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Camila Magrane
Chronos, 2021

digital collage on maple wood
An accompanying augmented-reality animation can be viewed using the app “Virtual Mutations” (Single Editions Collection).
A preview of the animation can be seen at https://www.camilamagrane.com/chronos
36”H x 22”W


In Chronos, day follows night in an endless repetition, creating an accelerated timeless cycle of a natural landscape. A stationary walking figure perpetually roams the desert dunes. The spectator’s experience takes place behind a window frame, intended to shed light on the subjective nature of the elusive concept of time and suggesting that time and space are intrinsic categories of the mind and relative to the observer’s point of view.

Artist Bio:

Camila Magrane is a multimedia artist originally from Caracas, Venezuela. Most recently, she has been exploring the involvement of technology and interactivity in art. She holds a BS in Computer Science with a concentration in game development. Camila has been most noted for the creation of her augmented-reality collages where she has established a postmodern aesthetic by combining traditional darkroom techniques with the use of digital tools.

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