052ARK - Kelly Tunstall and Ferris Plock.jpg
052ARK - Kelly Tunstall and Ferris Plock - detail2.jpeg

Kelly Tunstall | Ferris Plock
The Waterfront, 2020

acrylic and gold leaf on panel
34”H x 48”W


Plock and Tunstall depict caretaking of this city which has inspired them so much. This layer-rich collaboration piece responds to the ark theme, while also referencing Bosch’s “Ship of Fools”. It’s a statement about staying afloat in a city that feels always in motion and is very much a living entity, not without its issues. The ladies feel like guardians, a reminder that we’re all in maintaining what is and also building a new path forward together.

Artist Bio:

Kelly Tunstall and Ferris Plock, modern mythologists, work in a variety of media. The duo show nationally and internationally together and separately. Fascinated by the world at large, their captured microcosms layer their universe of colorful, stylized characters in surreal environments. Plock and Tunstall are represented by Hashimoto Contemporary, SFMOMA Artist’s Gallery, and Talon Gallery, Portland. They have been artists-in-residence at the de Young Museum and The Space Program, San Francisco.

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