091ARK - Tan Sirinumas.jpg
091ARK - Tan Sirinumas - detail2.jpg

Tan Sirinumas
Electric Cities, 2020

modeling compound and acrylic
30” H x 25”W

ARTwork statement:

Electric Cities is a collage of architectural settings from around the world. Created on a wooden panel with acrylic paint and modeling compound, this idealized vision of the metropolitan landscape is etched through, time and again, to reveal multiple layers of colors and textures - showing a city enlivened by the night.


Originally from Thailand, Eakapong “Tan” Sirinumas has lived as a resident of the Tenderloin for over twelve years. Life, at times, has been a struggle. However, since finding the Hospitality House Community Arts Program, I have developed my artistic skills through their many wonderful workshops and discovered in myself a kind of joy through art. There is a purpose for me. It has led me to engage with my community, grow as a professional artist, and has given me something that I enjoy doing every day.

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